Where is your store located?
We are located in Gardendale, AL
1226 Main Street
Gardendale, AL 35071
What are your hours of operation?
We are open:
Monday - Friday from 10:00AM to 6:00PM
Saturday 10:00AM to 4:00PM
How can I contact you?
We have several ways to get ahold of us - by facebook and instagram message, email (stellaboutiqueorders@gmail.com) or by phone (205.285.8780).
Please give us at least 24 hours to respond to all emails and messages and we will respond to all weekend emails on Monday!
Is your website secure?
Yes, our site is secure. Happy shopping!
Should I receive an email and tracking number after placing an order?
Yes, you will receive 2 separate emails. The first email confirms your order was received and is processing. Once your order has been completed, you will receive a second email with a tracking number. If you do not receive either of these emails, reach out via email.
SALE ITEMS: Any item purchased at a discount of 30% off or more is automatically final sale. We can not return or exchange items purchased with this deep discount. Shop responsibly! Questions? email us at stellaboutiqueorders@gmail.com